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Little League Baseball Game


What Training do you offer?

  1. Free videos on the Resources > Videos page

  2. Free videos on the Exit Babylon YouTube channel

  3. Free training on our live Thursday night training calls is announced in the Member forum linked below.

  4. Important news, tips, and insights in the members' forum found at

  5. Extensive Resources found in the Member Forum > Channels > Escape the Matrix Resource Center. Monthly subscription $5. 

  6. Archived in-depth, 'how to' training sessions on our Vimeo video library.  Subscription $10 monthly.  Coming soon.

  7. Self Governance & Common Law - Extensive Resources & Training on our history, law and living under the rule of law.  $25/mo.  Accessed through the Members' Forum. 

  8. We are developing a course to train 'Citizen Investigators' and 'Citizen Journalists' to provide Appropriate Credentials.

  9. We are providing detailed training on how to 'Come Out of Babylon' and live in a 'Parallel Society' free from the control mechanisms of the crumbling empire. 

  10. We are providing training on conducting the Peoples' Court and Citizen Grand Juries.  


How do I get on the mailing list?

Click the 'Get Involved' button in the upper right and that page will provide you a link. 


How do I get help with a court case?

  1.  See Law > Win in Court

  2.  See Law > Get Help


Is NATF on social media?

Not yet.   We're headed in that direction soon though. 


How can I donate to help support the cause?

  1.  Subscribe to the educational programs listed above.

  2.  Donate Direct


How can I sign up to volunteer?

See the 'Get Involved' page 


What other projects is NATF involved in?

  1. We are collaborating with and helping to form Committees of Safety and Citizen Grand Juries

  2. We are exposing corruption in any way we can and will soon have a new 'Hall of Shame' page.

  3. We are highlighting good public servants and shining a spotlight on them with a new 'Hall of Fame' page - coming soon!


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