Eliminate Bank Debt
Our discussion on 'Eliminating Debt' here relates to both: 'Secured Debt' as in mortgages and 'Unsecured Debt' such as credit cards, signature loans and the like, both of which are issued by licensed banks or financial institutions. Most people are unaware of how traditional banking practices routinely violate Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and numerous consumer protection laws and well established legal principles relating to contracts and more. And yes, the courts are in cahoots with the bankers which can often render the courts useless in our defense but we have the remedy for that.
We offer a powerful, extensive and successful program to work with you step by step to not only eliminate your fraudulent bank debt but also to collect extensive damages. This program is called the DEBT FREEDOM TECHNOLOGY course. An intro video to the course is below along with much more information you should also review. Learn the basics with the presentations below and then you can further examine the details of our courses to allow you to take action and get remedy. These are at the bottom of this page. We have one option for credit cards only and another complete program for credit cards, mortgages and foreclosures.
The Debt Freedom Technology Course Intro
The Battle Cry
No More Payments
The Fraud
This is one of the most downloaded and re-posted videos on YouTube. It's a 30 minute courtroom scenario wherein the plaintiff, who is suing the bank, has his attorney grilling the banker who is under oath on the witness stand and causing him to give admissions and confessions which will enable you to see the fraud clearly. This is a re-enactment role play of an actual court transcript we found which has long been buried on the internet. Let the truth be known.
The NATF Process Phase #1
PHASE ONE - Base Camp & Basic Training
The first step of the process is to be exposed to the technical and legal premises upon which this course rests. You will be exposing the fraud of the money powers in the course and it will ultimately be a game of chicken...who blinks first and how soon they realize they can't win and had better settle sooner rather than later. For this you need to be able to stand strong, fully empowered by the law, the spirit, the accounting and your support team. This requires that you stand in full understanding of your power and your strength which makes this learning process indispensable.
To help you decide, you might like to see that this actually works. Click here to see a foreclosure sale we just got cancelled.
You will begin PHASE ONE by joining the NATF PMA (Private Member Association) for only $245 one time.
The NATF Process Phase #2
PHASE Two - The Debt Freedom Technology Course
The ultra simple system Credit Card Holders, Mortgagors, and Foreclosure Victims are using to eliminate bank debt and get recompense for all that they have cost you.
Staving off collectors on credit card debt is one thing. Staving off foreclosure or mortgage debt is another. And yet getting recompense for a past foreclosure is yet another matter altogether. But they all are the result of the same shenanigans.
Once you complete the instructional training of the PMA you are qualified to begin the course and get after the bankers and reclaim your lost payments, inheritance and children's future. You will be assigned a coach to work with you each step of the way to ensure your success!
The course is included at no additional up front cost to members of The Lighthouse Law Club. The Lighthouse will provide you with benefits far beyond just the Debt Elimination Tech. course. We will execute a work and coaching agreement in which you agree to pay a small percentage of the amount of discharged debt as a success bonus. Then the issue of reclaiming lost payments and/or damages still remains.
Proof of Results
Credit Cards - Click Here
Foreclosure Sale Cancelled and $892,000 mortgage suspended! - Click Here
The following is an excerpt from one of the books you'll receive as a member. It is a commentary on a conversation between a master CPA who has been used as an expert witness in several court cases and a bank auditor. We've referenced this conversation previously. This should open your eyes!
"A BANK LIABILITY (DEPOSIT) IS NOT MONEY AND THIS IS THE PROOF. A check merely transfers money. If you have a checking account balance of $100, the bank owes you $100 of legal tender. If the $100 was money, the bank would never have to give you back the $100 of cash or allow you to write a $100 check. If you write a $100 check to receive your cash, the bank check transfers the cash from the bank vault to your pocket proving the liability (bank deposit, checking account balance of $100) is not money, but is owing money per the bank's operations.
One of my students (this CPA was hosting a conference) spoke up and claimed he was the auditor that went from bank to bank examining the records to be sure they were in compliance. At lunch time he gave me the bookkeeping entries. He said we credit (liability column) cash and replace it with promissory note recorded as an asset. He claimed this means the bank loaned other depositors' money.
Then he showed the seller of the house receiving the money by debiting the cash (recorded as an asset) and crediting (recording as a liability) a new demand deposit account (checking account). Then he said, "Do you see the fraud?” I said, "No, because you gave the borrower cash."
He said, "Look again, there is a new liability, cash cancels out. Oh yes," he explained, "we redefine words. We call checks ‘cash’, and we really gave them a ‘check’ which is the opposite of cash." (Editor note - A check is an 'order to pay' cash)
As he said the ‘word fraud’, the other CPAs standing around gasped, pretending they did not hear this conversation. The auditor explained, "We give the appearance of loaning other depositors' money, but we change the intent of the agreement and change the promissory note so it funds the check." Then he claimed the average American would never figure this out.
He looked at me squarely in the eye and told me never to reveal this to anyone. He explained how it is like stealing and using the value of the stolen property to create new money and returning it back to the victim as a loan. He proceeded to explain that it is so profitable to those involved, they wanted to keep the secret for themselves. As long as the people never figured it out, the lawmakers, police, judges and professionals could keep transferring the wealth from the people to those who know the secret.
The judges and police need the secret to continue or they cannot enforce it. It is too profitable to expose. Then he tried to get my commitment to never reveal the secret. I never agreed. As an American, I believe everyone should know the whole truth and nothing but the truth concerning the banking system and bank loan agreement, giving full disclosure and equal protection."
Editor’s Comments:
If we the people are ever going to overcome this fraud and theft which is impoverishing American families nationwide, each of us needs to take on the personal responsibility of sharing this information and getting others involved in liquidating their illegal debt payments.
This is a national, and international initiative and only the people can make the change. Now is the time. Can we count on you to join the Info War and share the link to this page with everyone on your contact list?
You might send an email with the subject: The banks are defrauding you. What to do! Add a personal comment or two and the link to this page.
You'll be doing them and America a big favor!
Many Blessings!
The Scholarship Program
We realize that the bankers have a lot of people in a hard spot and not everyone is in the position to join the Lighthouse Law Club at just under $2k so we've instituted this scholarship program primarily for widows, single moms and hard pressed families that need this desperately.
Here's how it works;
1. Join the PMA and learn the ropes. That should be doable.
2. Make 3 or more referrals to the NATF PMA...
That's it! Do this and your membership to the Lighthouse (a $1995 value) is earned with no fee.
We hope this helps.
We feel that with all the people stressed out by high bank payments and/or looming foreclosure finding referrals should be a simple task.
The Peoples' Burden
The current credit card debt held by Americans has recently topped $1 Trillion! That's one thousand Billions! Every bit of it is fraudulent!

Join in the fight against Bank Fraud! Legally cancel your own debt and/or become a consultant helping others! They have no defense!
Exodus 22:25